Andrew M.

Contact Me

Personal Trainer | Vice President-Dynamic Personal Training | Personal Trainer



  • Pickerington, OH


Nutrition Coaching, One-on-One Training, Virtual Coaching


Performance Enhancement, General Health and Wellness, Functional Fitness

  • Schedule available upon request.

About Me

PT Leader | Master Trainer NASM CPT, BCS, PPSC | Behavior Change & Life Optimization Coach Andrew has been a student and practitioner in the health and wellness arena for over 25 years. Learning and applying a diverse selection of strength training, conditioning, nutrition, and human optimization protocols both to himself and the clients he is responsible for coaching. Andrew is passionate about taking a comprehensive approach to health, fitness, nutrition, and the lifestyle integration of each, with the aim of achieving total health optimization - Strong Body, Strong Mind, Strong Spirit. Andrew enjoys training centered around the six foundational movement patterns, teaching biofeedback; enhancing the neurological connection with the muscles and body re-composition. His coaching focuses on sustainable, intuitive based training, nutrition and lifestyle protocols.

“Think, Speak & Act With Your End In Mind - Proceed As If Success Is Inevitable.”

— Stephen Covey & Andrew McGovern


Jon D.

Andrew is everything you’d hope a whole life coach would be. He took an interest in who I was, what I wanted to achieve, and he gave me the confidence that we would make it happen together. Andrew has a way of connecting with people in a manner that enables him to seemingly feel what they feel, understand what they’re going through, and give them specific encouragement and advice they need in that moment. He is genuinely happy and incredibly positive during all of our experiences together, it’s highly motivating. Andrew not only has taught me the proper and most effective way to train, but also how I should be thinking and approaching my nutrition, recovery and ways to optimize my health in total. He researches everything he teaches people extensively. Andrew can confidently coach people in so many areas of their lives because he has the knowledge, the experience, and the references to back it up. I even started feeling confident in asking his opinion about other aspects of my life. Andrew not only became a true mentor but an amazing friend, and honestly I also feel like he’s my biggest fan. For the first time in my life I like what I see in the mirror. For the first time in my life people compliment my body. It’s a strange and surreal experience for me to the point that I don’t feel like I am the same person. Andrew was able to totally transform the way I look and feel, and I truly cannot overstate how profound that change has been. I feel healthy, happy, and strong.

Sara L.

I joined Life Time February 2021 and I was scheduled for a consultation with a Fitness Professional. After meeting with two of the Pickerington Health Coaches & for the first time in my adult life, I asked a stranger for exactly what I wanted. I ended up being provided with so much more than I ever expected to receive. That stranger was Andrew McGovern. Little did I know the influence & impact he would contribute. Working with Andrew has redefined my life, provided clarity in my goals & aspirations, and propelled me into an environment I had never been comfortable in, but now see it as the active mediation and "me space" I was searching for. Andrew has helped me in my physical fitness journey & the results show themselves. What isn’t seen is the mental, spiritual, & social fitness journey that he has influenced in ways I never expected. To have a fitness coach help strength train, grow muscle, work through imbalances & achieve a total body re-composition is conventional. Andrew isn’t a conventional "fitness coach". He is a Holistic Health Coach. He approached my health journey to include my physical, nutritional, mental, spiritual, & social health. The conversations we had & the various book or podcast recommendations were an education all their own. Physical fitness is now a healthy part of my life. With everything I have learned & experienced I can confidently say I will always incorporate it into my schedule. It has been a life changing experience.

Keisha W.

Andrew AKA Superman!!! In all seriousness, he really came through to me as that! Meeting Andrew was God sent! We meet in a time of my life when I was looking to save myself from long term illness and diseases, but didn’t know if I could trust a trainer to help. Though in our first consultation, we connected and he let me know that he would be there every step of the way and ensured that I would one day soon be ready to fly on my own. Working with Andrew helped reverse diabetes and gave me a healthier relationship with food. Though I’ve had trainers before him, none of them provided me with the actual skills and formations to actually be successful, beyond just his "training" his teachings are lifelong skills. Andrew is a wealth of knowledge when it come to the mind, Brain Training. Also, whatever your relationship with your eating habits, Andrew will help you find a solution that you will take with you for a lifetime! Andrew can relate with any struggles you come across. He doesn’t blow them off. He will help you see yourself through them. I can’t express it enough that working with Andrew was the best decision I’ve ever made. He will always be my trainer, and my coach at heart!

Michael R.

I am not a person big on words however, training with Andrew was a great decision and a easy one after viewing my wife’s results from working with him. Throughout my training program he also presented me with nutrition and lifestyle changes which greatly enhanced the physical results, helping to take myself from an above average place to excellence. Andrew is precise with technique and his ability to teach it. Within the three months I worked with him, people around me constantly complimented my muscle gain. Easily recommendable!

Marybeth T.

No words can truly describe how working with Andrew has transformed my entire life. Andrew has been more than just a coach. He has been an educator, influencer, role model, and my biggest supporter. From the moment I started training with him, he had unwavering confidence in my ability to achieve my goals. Under his guidance and as I started to see results, I began to adopt a new mentality and started to believe in myself as much as he did. Along the way I inherited a new mental foundation: I developed Grit, Willpower, Mindfulness, Gratitude, and a Growth Mindset. He sets himself apart from other trainers by creating individualized programs for every client that focuses on their specific needs and goals. Andrew created a program that took into account my prior health conditions, previous injuries, and the goals I hoped to achieve. We worked on improving imbalances and areas of weakness while gaining strength and muscle mass. Andrew also spent time telling me about self-fulfilling prophecies and how we can think, speak, and ultimately action those things into existence. I have carried over this knowledge into my personal and professional life and as a result, have seen continued growth in areas of my life unrelated to fitness. The knowledge I've obtained and the joy I've found through working with Andrew has empowered me to live my happiest, healthiest, and most balanced life.

Dennis R.

Training with Andrew has been an amazing experience. I came to Andrew without any foundation of exercise or nutrition, low self esteem, zero confidence, and a general lack of drive. After a few weeks, not only did I start noticing physical changes, but my mental strength changed even more. I finally gained control over my mind, and my body followed. I developed the grit necessary to become healthier and live a happier life. My first program with Andrew resulted in obtaining a body recomposition of losing 43.9 fat pounds, and dropping from 37.6% body fat to 19% body fat for the first time in my life. I feel like I’ve earned the life I never thought possible.

Alan P.

Working with Andrew has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Having just finished medical residency, I came to Andrew after years of neglecting my fitness and with no previous weight training experience. He expertly diagnosed imbalances and inefficiencies while teaching safe and effective technique. He applied in-depth knowledge of anatomy to teach muscular movement, which I really connected with as a physician. He creates an immensely positive & motivating environment that propels you to results. After just a few sessions I started noticing changes in how I felt and looked. Within a few weeks I was accomplishing strength milestones I never thought possible. Andrew tailors the program directly to you, which is why it is so incredibly successful. Andrew is an expert trainer and I highly, highly recommend him.

Kate M.

For most women, and especially those who are new to such environment, gym is an intimidating place – a wide open space that lacks safety nooks and crannies, is full of incredible hulks who are clearly pretty in tune with their fitness, and is jam-packed with equipment that resembles something from Transformers. I went there, looked around, and decided I’ll do group classes instead ;) But luckily for me, I decided to attend an onboarding session with Andrew and the rest is history. In addition to having great personality and sense of humor, Andrew is encouraging, motivating, supportive and resourceful. He is very knowledgeable in anatomy and physiology of the human body and has a unique training style that is centered around creating a strong mind-muscle connection which allows you to focus your attention on a single target muscle or muscle group for maximum hypertrophy (aka results!). Andrew takes the time to understand each client’s goals and needs and creates a fitness program/nutrition plan specifically tailored to each individual. He keeps you engaged by making sure that each session is different, fun and tough - he consistently pushes you to your limits and then makes you realize you have even more to give. I have now been training with Andrew for 12 weeks. I started at complete ground zero, not knowing what to expect, feeling intimidated and at times downright embarrassed by the amount of weight I could muster lifting compared to others. But I kept going, kept training and pushing myself, and now, only 3 months later, I continue to be amazed and quite proud by what I have been able to accomplish. I have built lean muscle and lost fat, increased my endurance, gained confidence in myself and overall feel so much healthier and stronger than I ever have before. Ultimately what I’m trying to say is: work with Andrew, commit to your training, trust the process, follow through and you WILL see results. Andrew, thank you for making the girl who would not have been caught dead at the gym just a few short months ago learn to love it and, most importantly, thank you for pushing me to do things I never thought I could (or ever thought I would want to) :)

Jenny F.

As with anything in life, finding the perfect fit for you is key. Fitness has always been a part of my life, but I gravitated towards what I knew which was cardio. Approximately 2 years ago I decided to try group training and saw some results but still wasn’t where I wanted to be. I felt like I hit a wall and became discouraged in my strength training journey. In May, I started training with Andrew and haven’t looked back. Working with Andrew, I have learned so much about fitness and myself, not to mention obtaining an excellent body recomp; starting at 130 lbs, 57 lbs of muscle, 20.6% body fat - 4 months later being at 126 lbs, 62 lbs of muscle and 15.1% body fat (in total -9 lbs of fat, -5.5 body fat %, +5 lbs of muscle) He has instilled in me proper form, established a strong mind-muscle connection, and educated me around nutrition/supplementation, all of these things helped me get the most out of my workouts and see the results I want. As a nurse, wife, and a very busy mother of two active children I can confidently say Andrew is extremely knowledgeable, supportive, and dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals while helping you find and develop your “Grit.” Regardless of your fitness level Andrew will help you formulate a plan to achieve your fitness goals!

Danielle D.

I’ve been training with Andrew for the past 6 months and I can honestly say it’s been life changing! I joined LT because I wanted to focus more on fitness, improve my overall health and well-being, but had no idea how to do it properly. I was incredibly anxious and intimidated to start my fitness journey, but Andrew instantly made me feel more comfortable in the gym. I had very little knowledge of proper movement patterns and had to work through the incorrect patterns my body had made for itself. Andrew patiently helped me learn and build the mind-muscle connections I needed to execute proper and more complex movements. Andrew constantly encourages me and pushes me to learn skills and achieve goals I never thought I’d be capable of. I wholeheartedly trust and believe in his advice and recommendations. Since I started working with Andrew, I’ve noticed huge improvements not only in my strength and physique, but in other aspects as well. His nutrition advice combined with my workouts have helped tremendously with my anxiety and make the migraines I used to get regularly practically nonexistent. From a physical standpoint, in my first three/four months I was able to lose a total of 24lbs of fat, gain 8lbs of muscle and go from 32% body fat to under 20%! I couldn’t have even imagined those results were possible and I definitely didn’t think I would be capable of working out with the weights I do now. Andrew is an amazing trainer and I’m so glad I joined LT and have the opportunity to work him!

Laura B.

I have to start by saying I am new to the fitness way of life, I’m also traveling through some major life changes. I joined LT to go to yoga with my daughter because I thought it would be good for my body and mind during these changing times. I took advantage of the initial session with a personal trainer. Andrew is professional, knowledgeable, and passionate about fitness. I thought I should give it a try and see if training would be for me... now I would never go back! Andrew has guided me, supported me, lifted my spirits and given me, a 57 year old woman a new outlook on life and my future! He’s patient yet pushes me and gives me confidence that I can change my body and improve my health with not only fitness, but nutrition and most of all mental well being! I see the results but even better, I feel mentally confident to go into the future and always have fitness in my life! Andrew is my Super Hero!!! And will always be Superman to me!

Janie M.

My husband and I are very happy with the decision we made to join Lifetime Fitness and have Andrew train us 3 times per week. Andrew has helped us become much more knowledgeable about fitness and the things we need to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Andrew is very passionate about his career field and his attitude and intensity are contagious. I highly recommend Andrew McGovern and Lifetime Fitness!

David M.

I have been training with Andrew for the past 3 months. He has been fantastic to work with. His knowledge, interpersonal skills, and positive attitude make him stand out. Andrew has a lot of experience, and has taken me to a level I could have never achieved on my own.

Kate C.

Andrew has been paramount in my successful road to fitness. He encouraged me to start a more dynamic weight training program and has been incredibly helpful in coaching me through a myriad of different exercises and helping me obtain my goals. Andrew is supremely knowledgeable about body mechanics and nutrition, and has taught me how to hone in my mind-muscle connection to get the most out of my training sessions. One of my favorite things about training with Andrew is he safely pushes me to go up in weight, do more sets, reps and change tempo. This has helped me keep up my intensity and break through my personal limitations that I may have unintentionally set for myself. I was definitely a beginner in the weight room when I first met Andrew, and he has been able to grow my form and technique in ways I never imagined possible. Andrew is uplifting and positive, and whether you are a beginner or an expert, he will always find ways to help you learn and improve. A+++