Edmond J.

We as humans have two lives, the second one begins when we realize we only have one


  • Performance Enhancement
  • General Health and Wellness
  • Strength Training

Social Media

About Me

My journey in fitness began as an athlete! I fell in love with football at a young age since then have had this ever growing passion for the sport! It was in my passion for football that I grew a passion for Fitness and Movement! I was at a point in my athletic career where I was good, but I wasn't great, so got with a trainer that would help me take me from a small kid who wasn't good enough to play on a pop warner team to playing Collegiate Football at the University of Nevada, Reno! The effect my coach had on me led me to want to have that same impact on others! After playing football I went into group fitness training, then into coaching football myself, to now working with individuals in a more one on one setting and I can't wait to share my passion and help individuals accomplish their fitness goals they have set out for them!


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  • Member Onboarding
  • One-on-One Training


  • CPT


Liliya Z.

When I joined lifetime in May 2022 as strange as it sounds I joined the gym to do recovery work after a recent car accident. Never did neither of us thought that I would pursue training. But besides putting me back together both physically and mentally, he inspired so much confidence in me that I decided to train. First 7 weeks of my journey were spent in the rehab clinic where Edmond was very helpful and applied different techniques to speed up my recovery and restore strength in the right side of my body. Edmond took all my concerns and needs seriously and made me feel like family and helped in more ways ways than I expected. Later I started training with Edmond twice a week. He was the first trainer I ever had: he taught me everything about fitness from scratch and was very patient and supportive. He helped me build such confidence on the floor, his impact will never be forgotten! From the girl I was who never would have dared to step on the fitness floor to a muscular, fit, and confident girl that I am now he was there for me every step of the way! I can definitely testify that he is the reason that after that horrible accident I didn’t go into depression but instead found a healthy outlet in fitness and Edmond helped inspire and encourage me to have goals, many of which I achieved beyond what I imagined. He helped me gain 11 pounds of muscle mass in less than 6 months of our training. I am blessed and will never regret that I have trusted him to lead me along the way!

Dynamic Personal Training