Jessica K.

Contact Me

Yoga Teacher | Studio Instructor | Studio Instructor | Studio Instructor



  • Plymouth, MN
  • Chanhassen, MN
  • Crosstown (Eden Prairie), MN
  • Eden Prairie Athletic, MN
  • Schedule available upon request.

About Me

Jessica found a love of group workouts while in the army. The motivation and results that came from group workouts inspired her to become a group fitness instructor. Several years later, she is a NETA Certified Personal Trainer, NETA Certified Group Fitness Instructor, NETA Certified Health Coach, E-200RYT Yoga Instructor, and AEA Certified Aqua Instructor. Whether it is inspiring people to find their edge or inner calm, Jessica loves to help others meet their fitness goals.

“Strength does not come from the physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

— Ghandi

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