Kathleen M.

Contact Me

Group Instructor and Coach | Pilates Coordinator | Personal Trainer | Personal Trainer | Personal Trainer | Pilates Coordinator



  • Chappaqua, NY


Member Onboarding, Pilates, One-on-One Training, Semi-Private Training


Weight Management, Post Injury/Corrective Exercise, General Health and Wellness, Pre/Post Natal, ARORA/Senior Training

  • Schedule available upon request.

About Me

I have been in the industry for over 35 years. I am educated as a radiation therapist but made the switch to work full time in health and wellness in 1999. I absolutely love to help and inspire clients to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

“We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough.”

— Helen Keller

My Classes


Kathleen B.

Kathy is amazing! When I started working with her, I asked to "keep it interesting" and Kathy delivers! She makes every workout fun and challenging while knowing my limits - and when to push them. She makes working out a joy!

Justine L.

Kathy became my trainer after I had been out of the gym for a few years, and I let my health and fitness take backseat to work and parenting. She really listened and met me - with kindness not judgement - where I was physically. My body feels better, I sleep better, my stress levels are better AND she helped me get back into a gym environment that might have made me feel intimidated otherwise. She also taught me a lot along the way. Last but not least she is funny - and laughter is always a big win in my book.


I love Kathy's stretch and balance classes. She is awesome and the music is awesome. The only negative is that the class is only offered once a week. Stretch and balance is so important and she is a pro at this class. I leave there feeling so rejuvenated.

kim w.

I find Kathy inspiring... she is patient, kind, helpful and creates modifications for anybody's body. She recognizes strengths and creates a gameplan for eliminating weakness. I admire her ability to balance strength with grace. She truly is an asset. She helps us all to be our best, to have the best form, to get stronger, to have fun, to move, to breathe, stretch, reach and achieve. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from Kathy!