Matt M.

Contact Me

Personal Trainer



  • Plymouth, MN


One-on-One Training


Weight Management, General Health and Wellness, Bodybuilding & Physique Training, Functional Fitness, Muscle Building

  • Schedule available upon request.

About Me

I am a health & fitness professional who works with people who want to improve their health, wellness, and quality of life. I do this by coaching behavior change that can impact all aspects of wellness. Improving the quality of someone's emotional, physical, cognitive and spiritual well being is a very rewarding opportunity each and every day. I am grateful for this career path for it is my true calling!

“Without deviations from the norm, progress is not possible.”

— Frank Zappa


Tony S.

I joined Life Time Fitness in 2000 while I was in my late 40's. Because my work schedule finally allowed some time for myself, I committed to getting myself back into shape. I had belonged to other fitness clubs over the years but there had been a long stretch of time since the last one. I had learned, however, how important it was for me to have a workout "buddy" when I was younger. So I looked into the personal training offered at LTF. I have had 3 excellent personal trainers over the years here but when #2 relocated, I decided to do my own thing. It was just a matter of time before my workouts became boring and routine. So for Christmas five years ago my wife bought me 3 sessions with Matt. Anyone who works out at Life Time can't help but observe Matt working with clients. I certainly had and I knew my workouts were about to be ratcheted up big time! We started with a consult to be sure he understood my physical limitations from past injuries, etc. I told Matt my goals and we established time lines, discussed nutrition, did a body comp analysis, and he fit me into his weekly schedule. I left completely confident that I was going to accomplish everything. Matt helps us realize that we are on a fitness journey that never ends. New goals are always out there and that helps me stay committed. After five years with Matt I can honestly say that he has never been unprepared even once for MY workout. His daily game plan is always written down which tells me he has prepared himself for my hour of training. I appreciate that my workouts are always fresh, not repetitive. He knows what he wants to achieve with each session and he has so many ways to motivate a client. Because Matt competes, he has first-hand knowledge of all muscle groups and individual muscles within those groups. He can help anyone safely work on strength building as well as sculpting individual muscles within a group. He has always been prepared to modify an exercise, without missing a beat, if a joint isn't cooperating that day. Plus he is always paying attention to "how" I am doing a particular exercise. A little tweak here or there on technique makes all the difference. Trust me, I'm always happy to walk back down the stairs to the locker room after my workout because that means I just finished another challenging hour with Matt. But we always have moments of laughter and a chance to catch up on life during the short rests between sets. Be prepared to receive motivational messages between sessions from a guy that will genuinely be on your side every step of the way. You simply cannot go wrong with him. Matt is second to none and I'm proud to be one of his clients and a friend.

Tippy M.

I was a massage therapist for Lifetime Fitness for seventeen years and have had the pleasure of working with Matt professionally, for at least fifteen of them. I've always had the utmost confidence in Matt's ability as a Personal Trainer and have referred clients to him with very positive results. He has the experience and knowledge to take a client's goals and physical limitations and safely make things happen. Three years ago, I began working out with Matt, myself. I had worked out with a few trainers over the years and had been doing my own thing, but I was in a bit of a rut. I have knee issues and arthritis in my hands and wrists from work. Matt works with me to get the best results without compromising my body. Technically speaking, he is at the top of his profession. Years of experience have given him the ability to tweak any planned workout based on how my body feels on that particular day. Personally speaking, Matt is an exceptional person. He is an authentic and caring soul, who is truly interested in life. My sessions with him are physically and personally demanding and rewarding.

Susan L.

The weight crept up on me slowly after years spent focusing on my children and my career. I was 52 years old, 5'3", and weighed more than 200 pounds. My knees hurt and I felt old. I was already a Lifetime Fitness member so I began going to the gym a couple times a week to use the treadmill or elliptical machines. I noticed the personal trainers working with their clients and soon realized that this was the help I really needed, but it took me several months to build up enough confidence and courage to actually approach a personal trainer and when I did, it was Matt Mettler. Why Did I approach Matt? Matt always appeared completely focused on his clients and exhibited a very high degree of professionalism and patience. Even as a bystander I could sense the care that he took with each of his clients. Matt set up a consult session with me to find out more about my goals and challenges. After the session I signed up for three sessions per week for three months and I never looked back...that was eight years ago! We established an initial set of personal goals and over the course of the next two years I achieved all of them - even while undergoing surgery and radiation treatments for cancer! My weight was now at a very healthy level, my nutrition was good, and I felt confident enough in my mid-50s to enter a body building contest and won third place in my division. Matt is extremely knowledgeable about exercise and diet and he genuinely cares about all of his clients, wanting to see each of us achieve our full potential. He is also very empathetic and understanding which allows me to be honest with him about any challenges that I may be having. He asks great questions and always gives good advice. Hiring a personal trainer is a very personal and important decision. Trainers should be focused, knowledgeable, empathetic, and walk the walk. I know that I made the absolute right choice in hiring Matt Mettler as my personal trainer and that my health and overall well-being are both significantly enhanced as a direct result of this decision.

Tim B.

I’ve been Lifetime member and regular for a number of years. A couple years ago I was in a workout rut, I ended up with an injury that sidelined me and I needed help getting back on track. I’d had the opportunity to see different personal trainers in action, and how they worked with their clients. Like every other profession, some professionals just naturally rise to the top. As a personal trainer, Matt Mettler is one of those professionals. He’s one of the few trainers that actually works out himself. I’ve never understood how the other trainers that don’t actually workout know how to provide the coaching and guidance that a client needs. With Matt’s help I’ve been able to help me get back on track with my favorite sports, and he’s helped me develop my core, my overall strength and a much better nutrition regimen. I’m actually stronger in every way today than I was when I competed in college. Matt’s given me the tools to help keep me healthy and prevent injuries. Every workout is specifically tailored to help me reach my goals and he understands exactly how far he can push each workout. He’s designed workouts for me that keep me in-the-game while I’m traveling, and he’s designed workouts that challenge my fitness in new ways when I’m in the gym. I’d highly recommend Matt if you’re looking for a trainer and coach that will help you become the best you that you can be.

Derrick M.

When I was looking for a trainer years ago at LTF I simply watched the trainers for a week or so while I worked out to not only see how they approached work outs but also how they interacted and focused on what they were doing. In my opinion Matt stood out because he always seemed extremely focused on his clients, very interactive and approachable. I joined LTF around 2010 and trained with Matt for a couple years and then on and off as I felt I needed. I truly call him a friend at this point. His training was excellent, tips were very helpful, always timely with his work outs and I hit all my goals I had with him and exceeded many. I would, without a doubt tell anyone to talk with him, train with him and if I ever feel the need for a refresher course Matt really is the only person I'd ask to help. All around great guy with a wealth of knowledge.

Derek B.

Today when I met Matt for my Monday training session, I asked him, “so what are we gonna do today?” He replied with a smile, “we’re gonna make you stronger.” And we did. If you’re looking for a focused, experienced, and versatile trainer, Matt is for you—a great trainer that fits my needs perfectly.  In my early 50s, I have a few injuries that keep me from doing some exercises due to range of motion on those joints. I wanted to get back into a strength-building focus after many years of doing mostly hot yoga because it was a good pain-free fit for me. It was time to rebuild the muscles that had been sitting on the sidelines too long.  I am no stranger to the weight room, having done strength training off and on for years. But I wanted a fresh start with someone watching me, correcting my form and introducing me to exercises I would not think of to work around my injuries and help build the foundation.  Matt is great at what he does, always focused on maxing out that full session, and texting me extra motivations above and beyond the time in the gym. It does not matter how busy that room may be, it’s just you and Matt and he will get you to your goals.

Melissa D.

I originally came looking for a trainer because I had just come off of a year and a half of being sick and was 12 weeks post surgery and had the go ahead to do light activity. I was just lost as to what to do physically. I've been with Matt now for two years. I was tired of pain and didn't know what to do.... But his gentle spirit helped guide me as to where now the gym is one of my favorite places to be! Not only did he help strengthen my body from that original surgery, but in the last two years there have been other health ups and downs..... The best thing I have learned is that one month I will lift the most I've ever lifted.... The next I may have to miss some time bc I don't feel well.... But as long as I stay as consistent as I possibly can.... It's about the journey. Matt has taught me about this journey and pushed me farther than I thought I could go. I can't wait to see what the next two years hold??. Having a trainer that is full of health information and is always available has been so incredible for my journey. My body has changed so much... But it's been important to follow what he has asked. He is just the best trainer????!!

Mary B.

I came to Matt looking for help on how to lose 40 pounds. Within 6 months of meeting Matt I accomplished my goal. Through our training sessions and teaching me what to eat and how much to eat, he literally transformed and reshaped my physique. I did absolutely everything Matt asked me to do and the weight fell off. During our training sessions, he shares his expert knowledge that allows me to see and appreciate the importance of correct form. I also really appreciate how motivating Matt is during our sessions and how he pushes me further than I push myself. As a result, my continuous training with Matt keeps me at a higher fitness level than if I did it on my own. I have a fused ankle which can be a huge obstacle when trying to do certain leg and glute routines but it never seemed to phase Matt. If ever I couldn’t perform an exercise because of my fused ankle, Matt would adjust my routine or slightly modify the exercise so that I could accomplish the same muscle group workout but in a different way that worked for my ankle. Matt is very knowledgeable and definitely knows what he is doing. Not only is Matt a great personal trainer that knows his stuff but he is also a great guy that cares whether or not you hit your personal goals. Matt is to personal training like Billy Sheehan is to bass playing - the best! I highly recommend Matt as a trainer.