Nazareth T.

Contact Me

Personal Trainer | Group Instructor and Coach | Personal Training Manager | Nutrition Coach | Personal Trainer



  • Plano, TX


Small Group Training, Nutrition Coaching, Member Onboarding, One-on-One Training, Semi-Private Training


Performance Enhancement, Post Injury/Corrective Exercise, Bodybuilding & Physique Training, Muscle Building, Strength Training

  • Schedule available upon request.

About Me

I began training to continue to increase my performance while reducing the risk of injury. I chose personal training because I love helping individuals lead healthier and more productive lifestyles. My main focus is maintaining longevity and vitality through nutrition, exercise, and various recovery techniques. Outside of work, I enjoy competing in bodybuilding competitions, restoring classic cars/trucks, and participating in or watching basketball and football.

“"No Excuses, Just Results" - Anonymous”

— Various individuals


John O.

This man is a miracle worker. I had intense upper back pain which I had not been able to resolve. I went to see Naz based on a friend's recommendation. It turned out I had seven ribs which had popped out of place! Naz fixed them all and had me feeling like my normal self in literally one session. Then he taught me how to resolve the situation by myself if it ever happened again. He's extremely nice and super knowledgeable. Do yourself a favor and schedule a session with him!

Ef B.

Naz is professional, expert and personable! I am a baby boomer who typically does not use physical trainers. I had a problem with my calf and Naz helped me with physical therapy along with pressure point therapy. Naz did miraculous work. I highly recommend Naz!

Rachel S.

I have been dealing with a shoulder injury for about ten years. I always thought it was just from overuse because I played Volleyball. I went to multiple doctors and athletic trainers to make sure it was just from overuse and they all agreed. The day I met Naz, I told him my shoulder has been injured for a while but I figured he would give me the same answer as everyone else...overuse. Rather than just looking at my shoulder, as every other doctor/trainer did, he also looked at other areas that could be causing the pain. After only 30 minutes with him (or less...he told me what was going on after 30 haha) he figured out I had a few ribs out of place which was causing the shoulder pain. They had been out for so long my muscles had tightened up around them so it took Naz about one hour to loosen them up before he could pop two ribs back in and one more visit to pop back in the third rib. I felt like a new person after that!! My shoulder felt amazing! I put my full trust in Naz! Highly recommend anyone and everyone to go visit him.

Jennifer F.

Naz really helped me when I was new to the gym and new to lifting weights. His kindness made all my anxiety about being in a gym atmosphere melt away. He pushed me when I needed it and always did it with a smile! Thank you, Naz!!

Has P.

When I cycled my left hip gave me problems. When I lifted my right rhomboid hurt and restricted my mobility. I even found it challenging to fasten my seat belt. I actually thought I needed surgery. After several table sessions with Naz my body began to feel young again. My mobility has increased and the pain is all but eliminated. I haven't felt this strong or mobile in a long time. Thank you, Naz

Daniel A.

Naz is the best person I've trained with in 30 years! He's very knowledgeable and has a wealth of practical experience. Naz is helping me work through a number of issues due to injury and now I'm on the path to greater strength and functionality.

Al F.

I am one of the original members of Lifetime Plano (since 2003). I have seen many trainers over the years but none like NAZ. He is so good that I even call him Dr. NAZ. I cycle around 150 miles a week and play Pickleball 3 to 4 times a week. I have been using NAZ to help me with all my aches and pains. I typically see him at least once a week and sometimes twice a week. He is a magician with his hands and knowledge of muscles. I cannot function doing all my activity without his help. My wife Nancy and I love NAZ and we both have been using his services for several years. I have recommended him to many friends. If you have muscle tightness and discomfort I recommend you see Naz. I suspect he will save you from a doctor visit.

Janet C.

I love boot camp but it’s not easy to find a good instructor. Naz is one of them. He made our class fun and challenging, but also provided options for people of all levels. He has a great attitude and is very encouraging. His class was always fun.

Richard P.

I got Naz as a trainer when my previous trainer dumped me. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Naz helped me to get a lot stronger and lose 20 to 30 pounds. He is very personable and knowledgeable. I was sorry to see him leave.

Debbie H.

I am an avid bicyclist, take and teach yoga. I also have severe structural scoliosis. Several of my friends at Lifetime in Plano, TX went to Naz for help with tight hamstrings, low back, shoulder and neck issues. I decided I’d try a few sessions with Naz to see what he might be able to do. Through sessions with him I see increased mobility and flexibility in my hips, knees and decreased low back pain. When he told me he was leaving Plano I was tempted to fly to Chicago once every other week to continue my sessions. Reality sunk in and that’s impossible. If you have a chance I would definitely recommend getting on Naz’s schedule as soon as possible. You are lucky to have him.

Jon P.

Love this guy! I've been working with him for over 2 years now and he's the only trainer I've had that looks at the bigger picture and builds your foundation for a healthy and active body. His expertise in functional movement and corrective manipulation partnered with teaching correct form has made me the strongest version of myself ever! And I'm 40 years old now. I move with athleticism and power and all my aching joints and stiff muscles are now feeling like a synergistic unit. Whether he is teaching a better way to deadlift or doing corrective tablework to help me regain better muscular function I always learn a lot. Most trainers I've had just run you through the motions and get a nice sweat on. But Naz explains things to you so you are empowered with the understanding so in the long run you can control your own physical life and health. I've been extremely lucky to had met him. I've had extreme scoliosis all my life and have always dealt with pain on a daily basis. This had deterred me from pursuing athletics except for the standard lift weights and do some cardio work. Now I pursue masters Olympic weightlifting, ride down mountains with my mountain bike and and do Yin Yoga on a daily basis. I am a happier person becasue of him. Thank you Naz for all your help and I hope other people get a chance to work with you and see how different you are from everyone else!

Lisa K.

Everyone needs a Naz!! Running is my passion. There was a time when I felt my best running days were dimmed and behind me, but through deep tissue massage and specific strength training he has brought new breath to my legs that has amazed me every time. Thank you, Naz for keeping me in the game!!! -Lisa K ??

Ajay T.

I've worked with Naz for many years, whether it be for basketball training or just general strength training, he always was extremely knowledgable and provided training programs tailored to my goals. His knowledge of myofascial trigger points also helped me with my bad posture and I still use what he taught me to this day!

Kale S.

I have been training and fighting in Muay Thai for over twenty years. Along the way I have destroyed my body until I was lucky enough to have Naz work on my body and soft tissue, he is the best coast to coast! Thank you Naz !

Beth B.

Every time I work with Naz he explains what we will do and why. He is an excellent teacher and it is obvious to me that he has a passion for helping people understand all the components that make up a healthy body, mind and spirit. Naz has counseled me on my nutrition regimen, including which suppplements to take to help me achieve my goals. He is also helping me with recognizing patterns in listening to my body and attending to its specific needs regarding sleep, exercise, recovery and food choices. I have begun to physically do things that I never thought were possible for me. What I love most about Naz is his humility and genuine spirit. He is one of the most positive people I know; he's taught me that obstacles are an opportunity for growth. I am able to call, text or email him with questions or information I feel pertinent to our efforts at any time which amazes me. I am so happy Naz is on my team! I really love working with him!

Vincenzo M.

I trained with Naz for 1 1/2 years. He is a terrific trainer and very knowledgeable in his field. He pushed me to the max and saw results pretty quick. He also helped me a lot with shoulder and back problems.

Karen W.

I love to run and had completed several Marathons and Ultra Marathons. After coming off hip surgery, Naz was recommended to me for trigger point to help me heal faster. After several sessions I was able to complete another Ultra Marathon and cut 40 minutes off my time. I could not have done it without him.. He is the greatest ...

Joy C.

My husband and I started training with Naz 14 years ago. I started working out with him after my fourth pregnancy. I wanted to get the baby weight off and knew I would need help. Not only did he help me get the weight off, I’m in better shape now then I was in my 20’s. I’m now 47. He challenges me. Pushes me. Keeps things interesting. Always mixing it up. I just completed the Cooper Fitness exam and I was in excellent health and scored higher in their fitness test than 99% of women in their 40’s who had completed the test there. That is all because of my training with Naz. He’s the best - hands down.

Jenny H.

Since the first workout with Naz I got hooked. He is a professional at what he does and what he knows, he makes you feel comfortable but challenged all the time. You will never be bored or hit plateau with his WO. I have had him as my coach 101 and group coach on Bootcamp classes, I have had friends and family come train with me. It is always a treat, a feel good experience, something you want to keep coming to.

Terry F.

Naz has helped above and beyond... my experience with naz has been beyond amazing.. he's helped in so many ways training me after my accident of a broken leg and a broken wrist.. I thought I could never have my strength back that I would always be in pain.. he opened up my eyes to a new way of living. He has built up my strength and has taught me everything I need to know when I am working on it alone. He has been a huge help support system to me challenging my no I can't to yes you can! Not only do I have strength back and lost weight with him side by side by I am now almost pain free! I thank you for being an inspiration and great support..

Jay C.

I met Naz about 10 years ago and he is outstanding at customizing a workout program for each individual. As a former college football player, I wanted someone to push me keeping in mind I am in my fifties. He now does Trigger Point and Myofascial Release Therapy on me weekly and it makes a huge difference helping me recover.

Todd C.

Naz worked with me to increase the ROM in my shoulders... He can help you return to a better ROM if this is a problem you need to address... Todd

Lori B.

My first session with Naz changed my life. He built a plan that challenged and changed my relationship with exercise. As a former athlete I was accustomed to hard work. I had no idea how much strength I’d list until Naz helped me get it back!