Paul R.

Contact Me

Personal Trainer | Personal Trainer | Personal Trainer



  • Pickerington, OH


Nutrition Coaching, One-on-One Training


Weight Management, Performance Enhancement, Post Injury/Corrective Exercise, Contest Prep

  • Schedule available upon request.

About Me

Health & wellness has always had a natural draw on me. When I turned 40 (I'm now 50) I decided to pursue it full time w/the premier company in the field... LifeTime. I intentionally took on a journey to push myself beyond my comfort zones in my own health & wellness to better understand for those I'd serve. My portfolio is built on my client's results in how they've... [1] Not only lost weight but the right weight. Fat Lbs lost and reasonable Muscle Lbs gained (strength and endurance) [2] Overcome nagging limitations/injuries [3] Learned a healthy way of life for their actual lifestyle (working hrs, sedentary/non-sedentary, family obligations/needs) VERSUS a restrictive temporary results diet ("how do I sustain now that I've succeeded") [4] Had fun along the journey and even"paid it forward" in inspiring family, friends and loved ones to make those needed changes with their undeniable results

“New thoughts... New choices... New experiences (success)... New behaviors... NEW YOU... Repeat”

— Me


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