Image and Likeness Release
I understand and permit Life Time, Inc. and each of its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, "Life Time") to stream, livestream, record, take photographs, make audio or video recordings, take testimonial accounts, or create social media content that may contain the name, image, voice, likeness, persona or account of me, or if signing on behalf of a minor as the parent or legal guardian, any Minor Participant (a “Minor Participant”, who may be named herein or as part of the “share your photo” process in your myAccount) (collectively referred to as "Images") to be used in, on or in conjunction with any of Life Time's applications, websites, digital services, services, premises, facilities, equipment, activities, products, marketing materials and social media content and whether on or off Life Time premises. I hereby irrevocably consent to and grant Life Time the non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, fully paid, transferable and otherwise unlimited right to use, copy, modify, distribute, display, publicly display, perform, publish, transmit, host, remove, retain, repurpose, reproduce, adapt, edit, modify, change, add, delete, rearrange, prepare derivative works of and commercialize any and all such Images (and the right to sublicense such images through unlimited levels of sublicensees) through any form of communication, in any manner, in any media formats and through any media channels, now known or hereafter developed, including, without limitation, streaming, livestreaming, on-demand, audio or video recordings, photographs or social media channels, for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without obtaining additional consent, without restriction or notification, and without compensating me or any Minor Participant in any way, and to authorize others to do the same. Without limiting the foregoing, I hereby consent, on my own behalf and, if applicable, on the behalf of any Minor Participant, to Life Time's use of the Images for commercial and promotional use, including, without limitation, on corporate or employee social media. I waive on my own behalf and, if applicable, on the behalf of any Minor Participant, any right to inspect, approve, or edit such Images as used by Life Time.
BY ACCEPTING THIS AGREEMENT (WHETHER BY CLICKING TO ACCEPT ONLINE, BY SIGNING A SIGNATURE PAD IN CLUB OR OTHERWISE), I, on behalf of myself (or if applicable on behalf of a Minor Participant as the parent or legal guardian) have read, understood, and received a copy of this Image and Likeness Release agreement, and hereby knowingly and voluntarily execute the foregoing for and on behalf of myself or, if applicable, the Minor Participant, and agree to bind myself, the Minor Participant and any heirs, next of kin, assigns or personal representatives to such terms. Where applicable, I represent that I have full legal authority to act for and on behalf of the Minor Participant, and I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Life Time, Inc. and its subsidiaries for any expenses, claims or liabilities that may arise as a result of any insufficiency of my full legal authority to execute the foregoing.