What payment options are available?

  • You may choose to Pay Now or Pay Later at the time of registration. 
  • The Pay Later payment option is: 
    • Available for all camps regardless of duration of camp.
    • Available for camps that start 16 days into the future at the time of registration
      • Ex: Someone wishing to register for camp during the week of July 18th would need to register and select Pay Later on or before July 2nd
  • Automatically paid via your dues payment account two weeks prior to the first day of camp with all fees drafted on the Monday of the corresponding week.
    • Ex: Someone registering for camp that starts the week of July 18th will be drafted for that week of camp on July 4th.

The use of Pay Later for camp payment requires an active dues Life Time account. If you have a Partner member on your Life Time account, they must be designated as an authorized user of the account for them to utilize Pay Later. To authorize a Partner member, log into your account in the Life Time app or member website and visit Members on Account.

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