Event Details
Parents Night Out - Tween Takeover (9 - 12 years)
All Level
Gym 1B, Northshore
Registration Required
10 spots available
What to Expect
Ever dream of taking over some of the coolest spaces in the club with your friends? Well, now you can. On Tween Takeover nights – you rule! Play games, sports, create and dominate. Meanwhile, parents can enjoy a night out. •To register your child(ren), they must be active members on your account and have completed the Participation Agreement. •Registration opens 30 days prior to the event and closes 5 hours before the event starts. •Each participant is allowed to reserve one event per weekend. •Cancellation Policy: If you do not show up or cancel at least 5 hours before the event, a $25 fee per child will be charged to your club tab. Last-minute cancellations and no-shows, affect our ability to manage resources and limit availability for families on the waitlist. •If you were on a waitlist and a spot became available less than 24 hours prior to the start of your reservation/event, you will not be penalized for missing your reservation. •To ensure the event is well-organized and runs smoothly, please arrive on time—there is no need to arrive early. Arriving late may affect your child’s participation. If you arrive more than 15 minutes after the start time, your child's spot may be forfeited and offered to someone on the waitlist. •Pizza and a beverage will be served during the event. •A government-issued photo ID is required at checkout. Only those listed as authorized pickups will be permitted to pick-up your child.
Registration Required
10 spots available